Who we are?
The South African Rainbow Nation Association is an independent, incorporated, non-profit association of people of South African origin and others who share our objectives.
Our objectives
Based on mutual respect, harmony, democracy. non-racism and non-sexism are:
- to foster encourage camaraderie, understanding and mutual support among all persons of South African origin in Canada;
- to promote and expand knowledge of South African culture, traditions history and commemorative holidays as celebrated in South Africa’s calendar, in Canada;
- to encourage and support development initiatives that enhance harmony amongst South Africans and persons South African origin;
- to raise funds in suupport of development initiatives in South Africa; and
- to collaborate with and solicit support from organizations and individuals with an interest in South Africa and who share the Association’s objectives.
Full membership
is available to all persons, 18 years and older, who subscribe to the Association’s objectives.
Annual membership dues are $15 per single person or $20 per family and are billed on January 1 and are due on March 31 of the year in which they apply. For persons joining after June 30, a discount of 50% applies.